
What's missing in health care reform

NPR: Why Public Support For Health Care Faltered


As a candidate, Barack Obama promised to pass a health plan with important benefits for the average American. For the typical family, costs would go down by as much as $2,500 a year. Adults wouldn't be required to buy insurance. No one but the wealthy would face higher taxes.

George Will: Democrats on the precipice of failure


... Democrats have had to resort to serial bribery to advance it. Massachusetts voted immediately after the corruption of exempting, until 2018, union members from the tax on high-value health insurance plans. This tax was supposedly the crucial component of what supposedly was reform's primary goal: reducing costs.

Comments: Why people are angry about it:

  • The Cornhusker Kickback
  • The Louisiana Purchase
  • Union exemption from the “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health-care plans
  • People probably don't care about taxing high income workers (AKA more than $ 250,000 per year!). But most doubt the Dems can keep that promise
  • The public option smells like socialism. There is mistrust (rightly so!) that the government can do it better. Medicare is going broke! The government couldn't handle the relatively simple "cash for clunkers" program!
  • It is another unfunded Trillion $ program
  • Many object to mandatory buy-in requirements!
  • It is not bi-partisan!
  • There is no tort reform
  • It will not cost less

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