
Church marqee fight

HT: Sandalstraps' Sanctuary

Comment: I labeled this "humor" as it looks photoshopped to me!


  1. I'm sure it all came from here: http://www.churchsigngenerator.com.

    And it's totally off topic, but I'd challenge anyone who says there "won't be any rocks in Heaven!" :) Or dogs for that matter.

  2. Hey Tobin, good points.

    Safe to say ... there will be dogs & cats in eternal state .... but one's cat who dies here does not have a soul / spirit and does not go to heaven.

    I've had 2 Smokys (cats) ... they're dead and gone and will not be resurrected.

  3. I would agree with that - it's just that saying an animal has no soul is not the same as saying there won't be animals in Heaven. The book "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn is a good read. Much of it is conjecture, but it has very much changed how I think of Heaven and made it much easier to look forward to our eternal home.

  4. Another good one is Immortality by Loraine Boettner


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