
Political spoiler?

Bloomberg's Politics: A post-partisan savior, or just another spoiler?


Independents who have made a splash have done so by adopting an issue ignored by the existing parties. Lincoln and the early GOP had slavery, while even the mercurial Ross Perot had the federal budget deficit. Mr. Bloomberg's plea for post-partisan "managerial competence" won't soon have voters marching in the streets. He has been a competent mayor, and he has taken political risks in particular to push education reform. But his popularity also owes no small part to the 2003 Bush tax cuts that have floated the city's financial markets and revenues--something he himself doesn't seem to understand, or give credit to.

Mr. Bloomberg has been quoted as saying that he wouldn't run unless he could win. We hope he means it. He's rich enough to afford the race, but a candidate for the nation's highest office should have more on his agenda than competence, and should have reason to believe he'd be more than a political spoiler.

Comment: Good read from the Opinion Journal.

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