
The Nature of the Temptation

One of a set of Medici tapestries on the Genesis story of Adam and Eve, from the Academia, Florence. The representation of the garden invites comparison with Milton, as does the portrayal of two key dramatic moments: Eve tempted by the serpent, and Eve offering the fruit to Adam. Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali.

The first address of the tempter to Eve was designed to awaken distrust in the goodness of God, and doubt as to the truth of the prohibition. “Hath God indeed said, ye shall net eat of every tree of the garden?” or, rather, as the words probably mean, “Has God said, ye shall not eat of any tree of the garden?” The next address was a direct assault upon her faith. “Ye shall not surely die;” but on the contrary, become as God himself in knowledge. To this temptation she yielded, and Adam joined in the transgression. From this account it appears that doubt, unbelief, and pride were the principles which led to this fatal act of disobedience. Eve doubted God's goodness; she disbelieved his threatening; she aspired after forbidden knowledge.

Hodge v 2 p 128


  1. Our Bunn A10 arrived today. It is very industrial looking. I don't think Kathee has fully embraced the logic and wisdom of buying a commercial coffee maker. I'm convinced it will last us at least 10 years! The question is ... will our marriage survive this coffee maker (joking!)
  2. I am working from home tomorrow and brought my laptop home. For some reason, I cannot get the wireless working on the laptop, but I bought a 50' blue LAN cable so I can relax in my recliner and work. The 50' blue LAN cable is another thing that my wife has not fully embraced the logic and wisdom of!
  3. Roger (son) is up at Brother's (another Roger) for dinner. I think Nathan is having dinner there too.
  4. Work: Our latest workstation upgrade job is back in Engineering.
  5. Co-worker Mike brought in his new black MacBook. He installed a product called Parallels and has Windows XP SP 2 running as a virtual machine on his MacBook. Very cool. But ... when I get a MacBook I will have SUSE Linux (or some other LINUX) running on the virtual machine. Countdown to October! (Will my wife see the logic and wisdom of this?)

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