
Hodge on Atheism and Pantheism


As Theism is the doctrine of an extramundane, personal God, the creator, preserver, and governor of all things, any doctrine which denies the existence of such a Being is anti-theistic. Not only avowed Atheism, therefore, but Polytheism, Hylozoism, Materialism, and Pantheism, belong to the class of anti-theistic theories.

Atheism does not call for any separate discussion. It is in itself purely negative. It affirms nothing. It simply denies what Theism asserts. The proof of Theism is, therefore, the refutation of Atheism. Atheist is, however, a term of reproach. Few men are willing to call themselves, or to allow others to call them by that name. Hume, we know, resented it. Hence those who are really atheists, according to the etymological and commonly received meaning of the word, repudiate the term. They claim to be believers in God, although they assign to that word a meaning which is entirely unauthorized by usage. (Hodge v p 241)


If the etymology of the word Pantheism be allowed to determine its meaning, the answer to the question, What is Pantheism? is easy. The universe is God, and God is the universe. To pan Theos esti. (v 1 p 299)

Pantheism, however, becomes all things to all men. To the pure it gives scope for a sentimental religious feeling which sees God in every thing and every thing in God. To the proud it is the source of intolerable arrogance and self-conceit. To the sensual it gives authority for every form of indulgence. (v 1 p 308)

Pantheism, therefore, merges everything into God. The universe is the existence-form of God; that is, the universe is his existence. All reason is his reason; all activity is his activity; the consciousness of creatures, is all the consciousness God has of himself; good and evil, pain and pleasure, are phenomena of God; modes in which God reveals himself, the way in which He passes from Being into Existence. He is not, therefore, a person whom we can worship and in whom we can trust. (v 1 p 308)

  1. My alma mater wins bowl game: Cincinnati collects International Bowl win
  2. Roger at reserves all weekend (USMC)
  3. Rachel and Kathee at at wedding and not expected back until after 9
  4. I am watching football. I had dinner at Subway
  5. Another mild day ... just below freezing but was sunny.

Comments on Hodge reading: I have known many atheists and several pantheists. Once these errors settle in one's mind it is difficult to change minds. I am praying for the ones I know who have rejected Theism (and more specifically Christ as Savior!)

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